27 December 2012

Reasons to SMPLFY #1

Living simply, to me, is all about getting back to basics and ridding yourself of unnecessary external factors. It is about acquiring more time for yourself to do the things you want to do instead of spending your time immersed in the drudgery of going to a job five or six days a week.

I think we are made to believe by society, by our parents, by our friends, by marketing, that we must work in order to live the dream life; that of a consumer. We need the flash new flatscreen TV. We need the expensive car. We need to travel to the most expensively glorious holiday spots. We need that brand of make-up/aftershave/hair product. If we don't have any of this then we are poor, boring, not achieving in life.

But I see it differently. I see those people who believe the hype as being poor (most of them are in debt), boring (they choose to follow the crowd and not think for themselves) and non-achievers (alot of them never get to achieve their life purpose because they are on the treadmill of what they believe their lives should be like). They have allowed themselves to be conditioned into thinking that this way is "normal" and that people who think and live differently to them are weird. I actually find that kind of scary.

Once we change our mindset and SMPLFY our lives, then we don't need to invest our precious time and energy in fulltime employment.  We can get by with alternatives, and the world is FULL of alternatives . We just need to research and spend time figuring out what these alternatives are and which ones work for us. We can then invest our precious time and energy into ourselves, our family, our friends, our community, our environment, our attitudes and so on. There is so much potential for us!

I love this video! EcoVeganGal (http://ecovegangal.com) is one of my favourite websites to follow. In this video she (Whitney Lauritson) talks about changing your mindset and living simply.

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